Ferry Karlovasi to Mykonos
How to get from Karlovasi to Mykonos with conventional and high speed ferries, details of scheduled departures, updated prices and how to reach the ports!
Conventional or high speed ferry from Karlovasi to Mykonos ?
There are two basic ferry types for the route from Karlovasi to Mykonos: Conventional (regular car ferries) and High Speed.
Regular car ferries take more travel time from Karlovasi to Mykonos but are definitely the most popular and cheapest ones! Especially on day trips, normal ferries are a relaxing way to travel between Karlovasi and Mykonos, with all the fantastic sea views and the sea breeze someone can enjoy from the decks!
High speed ferries are smaller and a bit more expensive but they cut the travel time from Karlovasi to Mykonos almost in half! Occasionally there are high speed ferries from Karlovasi to Mykonos available that can transport vehicles.
Check out all ferry types and their overall characteristics!
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